Friday, June 30, 2006

Do Not Use Locator's Inc ( to find a rental!!!!

Locator's Inc. is a worthless service used for renting houses, apartments, ranches, etc. This service is a waste of your time. It will only anger you.

Do not waste your time with their expensive waste of money!!! The information Locator's Inc. provides is the same info found in a newspaper!! They also give you a wide range of useless info!

You are also stuck in a contract with them if you can not use their shitty service. I found a house on my own in three weeks and still had to pull up their listings three times a week just to get my refund!!

The information provided is NOT WORTH $200!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Final Magic Hat Summary

Magic Hat Brewery: This is where you can find the Wiki entry.

Haha I finally found a fourth article to edit!!! : After searching for a final article which I felt I could add some sort of knowledge to, I inevitably got drunk. As I was drinking, my girlfriend said, "Why not write about Magic Hat stupid!" SO.. I found that there wasn't very ,uch info and that it was not being kept up-to-date.

Magic Hat Brewery edit 2 : The community has not touched or reedited anything, which leads me to believe that no one views this Wiki post. So, I added special event info here.

Three times the Magic: Will it drive three times the traffic?:

I did not have much time between yesterday and today to wait a week for anything to happen, So I am going to assume that my edit has stayed in place. I hope people are always able to contact there favorite alcohol distribution center. Especially when piss drunk, with a phone book, and a bunch of idiot friends telling you to call them for a free 6-pack.

Final Mountain Biking Summary

This was a topic which the community had a field day with, whether I made an edit or not. I found that my edits were generally accepted, but there was edits to my grammer, because I never perform splle cehck on mine own wrk.

Mountain Biking: This is were you can find the Wiki entry.

Mountain Biking grammer edit: I started this article out the easy way with a general grammer check. There was a lot of content and I had a lot to edit.

Mountian Biking Trail Edit 2 : It is this edit which I added info on The Environmental Impacts of Mountain Biking. For more details on this topic, see [Natural Resource Impacts of Mountain Biking]

Mountain Bike edit 3: I had only days left by the time I got to this one. The Mountain Biking post had a lot of useful info, and I did not want to just asdd clutter, but I felt that this info would be accepted as a final farewell to my mountain biking community.

Final Hand Drum Summary

SO I posted up four edits becuase I love to do extra work and now I am going to do my fifth blog which will be my summary of my four posts. Right now I am dizzy.

Drums: This is were you can find the Wiki entry.

First Wiki edit:

This was my initial entry for the class altogether. I started off the easy way by editinng all of the gramatical errors, and there were a lot.

Can I do this? :

Next I added some information about other types of drums within the Wiki community by upgrading an internal link: tar (drum) .

this is a tar drum

Yet another Drumipedia edit:

For this edit, I found that someone has been editing this wiki, but my edits seem to be favorable and are not being changed. I added some info and un-dummed up the language.

Hand Drum Edit 4:

I feel that the WIki community has embraced the changes I have provided and was able to expand on a couple of ideas. For my final edit, I added another external link which I found to be full of usefull information which is under the following ... DRUMMIN' MEN-The Drummer's Resource. I then edited the links so they would all be uniform in appearence.

Final Jam Cruise Summary

So I have finally organized all of my wikipedia edits into my side bar, and now all I have to do is my final summaries.

Jam Cruise: This is were you can find the Wiki entry

Jam Cruise: The Entry Voyage ,
This was my initial entry, and also a new entry for the Wikipedia community to play with. It was ultimately deleted for sounding like an advertisement within the first 5 minutes of creating.

The return of a deleted wiki. Jam Cruise 2 ,
This is where I fought back. I talked on the talk page, which acomplished absolutly nothing. I also changed the article up to sound more professional and comparitive to past events in order to show the importance of maintaining the article. I also created internal links to artists within wikipedia to give the article a higher connectivity.

Jam Cruise Edit 3
I read some comments posted here by my fellow group member Keith Nemzer . I checked out his posting about my posting and discovered his edit would make more sense, so I used it to upgrade the Jam Cruise infomational Wiki Post.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Final Blogline requirement number 4

So I was reading my RSS feed from Slashdot and came across an article which rang tune to a Wikipedia entry I created which has come off as being biased.

I can feel the connection, because my Jam Cruise article was deleted for having a biased view with advertisement sounding mumbo-jumbo.

Titled.."Wal-mart's Wikipedia War"
Posted by Zonk on Fri Apr 28, '06 10:27 AM

This news blog feed about a news article is an argument stating "lobbyists for Wal-mart have successfully waged a war against a fair viewpoint on Wikipedia's Wal-mart page".

Basically, Walmart has been able to influence the Wikipedia with a less than nuetral viewpoint regarding their business.

The only thing I want to know is... How come Walmart can do this, but I can't even keep my Jam Cruise article around for a week?

Class Comment 2

I got the inspiration for my Jam Cruise edit 3 from my good friend who is an under-cover brother from another mother.....Keith Nemzer .

Keith thought about the connection of Festival Express, which took place on a train across Canada., to the connection of Jam Cruise being on a boat at sea. All I had come up with in my previous post was Woodstock. I am an Idiot, but it does not matter, that is what music is all about.

For furthur info on Festival Express, check out the wikipedia entry. But, I also like the link Keith chose, as it shows you the musical mix and line-up.

Check out his input.. Great guy.

He has been that voice inside my head from his spot behind my seat for the last few semester's classes. I felt that sharing music, like sharing inbound, external anchor links, will build a connection.
Yup, our group is an interwoven network of diligent bloggers who all deserve the highest grades available for students of our astute technological skills; with advancement through this mess of RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, and Skyped out of your mind presentations which warped our senses of this world into viewing technological advancements as a necessary, but unstoppable force which is revolutionizing the understanding of conversation as we know it.

Mountain Bike edit 3

I was hard pressed to find more information for this article. It covers most of what needs to be known about Mountain Biking .

So I added an external link along with some info on Canadian trails which goes like this...

Canada Trails
There are a variety of trails for: Bicycling - road routes, city biking, clubs and tours; Mountain Biking - mountain biking trails and events. Hiking - hiking trails and clubs; and Multi-use Trails, through out the Canadian territories. These territories include, but are not limited to British Columbia, Alberta, The Yukon, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador. The North Shore is an especially well known mountain biking area.
For more details on this topic, see [[
Canada Trails Site Map]].

I Also added a some more info to the Street/Urban section which I credit to mitch_dmr... He posted a quote on a message board which I thought described Street Biking well. The Quote can be found here.

I edited his words a little ino the following..There is so many tricks; generally when you ride, you just make new tricks up and find new runs to hit. On street and park you can manual, box jump, do 180's, 360's, 720's (if your good), flips, nose manuals, grinds and many many more.

Three times the Magic: Will it drive three times the traffic?

So I posted Magic HAt's address and phone information for consumers and the like to be able to contact Magic Hat .

Due to time constraints, no one from the class may find out if it has been de-edited..., but I will eneivitably check to ensure my work remains.

The edit is not large, but I did not want to risk an "advertisement looking" description in fear of loosing the article altogether...

Magic Hat Brewing Company
For more information, write to:
5 Bartlett Bay Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Or gives us a shout:
P: 802-658-BREW (2739)
F: 802-658-5788

Hopefully, people will not contact one of my favorite beer distributors.

Jam Cruise edit 3

So the people at wikipedia still believe my article is kinda biased and reads kinda like an advertisement.

Guess its hard not to write so positively about something that is life changing and shows you that there are still level minded crazies out there somewhere jamming on the ocean...

I have just been talkling on the talk page to the admin guy, but he hasnt written any comments.

I got the inspiration for my re-edit from my good friend who is an under-cover brother from another mother.....Keith Nemzer .

Check out his input.. Great guy.

Here is my edit for Jam Cruise.

Jam Cruise: An unrivaled music and sensory experience at sea.
Jam Cruise is the newest addition to the plethora of music based festivals followed by fans everywhere. Like the
Festival Express, Jam Cruise is an innovative event which hosts a variety of the generation's most compelling and jam-based musical artists in motion. The artists on the Festival Express played music from morning until night throughout their ride on a train. The artists on Jam Cruise play music from morning until night while out at sea.
Since January 6, 2004, Jam Cruise has sailed for five different voyages, creating a culture of criusers like no other. The boat is your family at sea, and this family has a strong connection, returning year after year. One may run into and mingle with any number of famous musicians throughout the journey. The artists are humble and return year after year to sit and play some music for you.
Musicians from previous cruises include artists such as
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Yonder Mountain String Band, Les Claypool, Particle, and the list goes on. The performers on the boat are passengers just like everyone else. The passangers on the boat are performers just like everyone else. Performances on the boat include The Everyone Orchestra, in which all of the passangers participate in making music through beating, clapping, harmonizing, and yelling "YES....NO!"; The Disco, for a DJ; the Theater for an intimate performance; and Pool-deck jams which play through out the day, long into the night.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The return of a deleted wiki. Jam Cruise 2

So I went onto Wiki, and saw that my previos post was deleted because it read like an advertisement. So I changed up the previous posting to make it more informative and less like a marketing initiative.
Hopefully this Jam Cruise. article will be considered more educational. The posting reads as follows...

Jam Cruise: An unrivaled music and sensory experience at sea.
Jam Cruise is the newest addition to the plethora of music based festivals followed by fans everywhere. Like
Woodstock, Jam Cruise is an innovative event which hosts a variety of the generation's most compelling and jam-based musical artists. These artists play music throughout the voyage from morning until night.
Musicians from previous cruises include artists such as
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Yonder Mountain String Band, Les Claypool, Particle, and the list goes on. The performers on the boat are passengers just like everyone else. The passangers on the boat are performers just like everyone else. One may run into and mingle with any number of famous artists throughout the journey. The artists are humble and may even sit and play some random music with you.
The cruise has been running for five years, creating a culture of criusers like no other. The boat is your family at sea, and this family has a strong connection.
The cruise has traveled throughout the Caribbean Sea visiting a number of islands including Ochos Rios,
Jamacia; Grand Cayman Islands; Costa Maya, Mexico; and Nassau, Bahamas. The ship combines the elegance of Italian design and style with modern comforts and conveniences creating the best of both worlds on board, an elegant musical ambience, with rock-out, pool-deck staged jams

Monday, May 08, 2006

Magic Hat Brewery edit 2

Just did another edit. No one seemed to notice or add anything to my previous post, so this one will orobably remain as good info on.................................drum-roll----------------brnbrnbrnbrnbrndaadadadadaddomdomodoooomdooomdmdmomd.....

Special Events and I added the following...

Special Events
Every year Magic Hat hosts Special Events to mark memorable memories. The memorial of a passing brew, Special Interest Festivals, and Benefits are just a few of these promotional and beneficial events.
-Win a Bar Contest- 2002-2003 A Contest of Creativity -Night of The Living Dead-held October 26, 2003 A Costume Contest -Mardi Gras 2004- held February 25, 2004 a parade and float contest in Burlington, VT raised $12,000 for the Women's Rape Crisis Center-Humble Patience Memorial Service- held Saturday, June 4, 2005 marked the passing of the 12 year old brew -Hurricane Benefête- held Friday, September 16, 2005 A concert to raise money for the Hurricane Katrina Reflief -Mardi Gras 2006-held February 24-26, 2006 a parade and float contest in Burlington, VT raised $15,000 for the Women's Rape Crisis Center

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Haha I finally found a fourth article to edit!!!

After sitting back trying to figure out what I could possibly edit in Wikipedia, my girlfreind had an epithany.

"Why not write about the beer your drinking stupid!" she says...

So here I go, off to the Magic Hat Brewery definition, and lo and behold, there is no good info.

I did not add a lot, but I did update the active beerlist. The only issue is that some of these beers are not always active. This is a subject I will deal with in a later edit.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Jam Cruise: The Entry Voyage

I created the first posting for Jam Cruise on Wikipedia tonight, and it seems that the administratorz are on top of randomness.

I entered just the name Jam Cruise with the intention of furthur editing the post. By the time I had created the small amount of descriptive content, User JDoorjam deleted this article after I started editing it, with a reason of: content may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion. The given reason is: {{{1}}} . I guess since I did not enter any definition, it was instantly deleted, which shows that Wikipedia is always being watched.

Since I started the article, I am going to add a post at the website letting the 2,000 or so people who actively post everyday know. Hopefully, I can spark some interest and get the Wiki article to grow exponentialy without my own efforts.

The following is what I wrote...

Jam Cruise: An unrivaled music and sensory experience at sea.
Jam Cruise is a cruise line which hosts a variety of jam based musical artists who play music throughout the voyage from morning until night. The cruise is running for its fifth straight year and boasts a following of loyal cruisers who get the option of being the first to return every year.
Musicians from previous cruises include artists such as Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Yonder Mountain String Band, Les Claypool, Particle, and the list goes on. The artists on the band are passengers just like everyone else. One may run into and mingle with any number of famous artists throughout the journey. The artists are humble and may even sit and play some random music with you.
The cruise travels throughout the Caribbean Sea and will hit a number of islands before returning to Fort Lauderdale, where it launches. Previous islands the cruise ship visited include Ochos Rios, Jamacia; Grand Cayman Islands; Costa Maya, Mexico; Nassau, Bahamas. The voyage is extremely comfortable and is currently utilizing the MSC Opera, one of the newest cruise ships sailing the Caribbean, which made its maiden voyage in June 2004. The ship combines the elegance of Italian design and style with modern comforts and conveniences creating the best of both worlds on board. Public areas offer spaciousness both inside and out. The 856 cabins, many with private balconies, are roomy and comfortable.

Until next time my fellow insomniacs..

Monday, May 01, 2006

Best web hosting customer service Ever.

HostMySite came in today (Monday May 1) to discuss the company, its growth and successes. Essentially looking at the entrepreneurial side of business.

The CEO, Lou Honick, who couldn't be older than 30 years old, and his business partner, are running a muti-million dollar cash cow that has nothing but growth in its future.

A topic we hit on in class had to do with the "magic switch" which would give the company the edge to gain a larger new customer base. Well, I was thinking of a way which could help his marketing efforts.

HostMySite's competitive advantage comes from its ability to provide the best customer support 24/7/365. The company needs to be able to do this 100% of the time, or else some of the 20,000 or so clients could up-and-tech away to another of the thousands of web hosting web sites available.

My idea is for Lou to do what he did today. Go to as many campuses throughout the country as he can find which could benefit from his knowledge and presentation. I feel like I learned a lot even though I had no idea what it was his company could do.

Then, have everyone in the class blog about the experience. As more blogs appear praising his company and explaining why it provides a better service to differentiate it from the rest of the clutter, I believe there will be more of a chance his site will pop-up in random searches looking for high quality service web hosting sites. This could be considered a search engine optimization technique.

Plus, it would put a face to a name and humanize the technology in a way which could only provide benefit to HostMySite.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Need a great DEAL?? or how about a forum search?

So today in class, we received words of wisdom from the creator's of DealCatcher, Tim Patton and Dan Baxter. This site has made a name for itself by keeping the best deals around that can be found online, available in one easy location.

These guys are making incredible use of RSS technology which we predicted future uses for in class about a month ago. The site has just added a RSS feed so that you can watch any particular product, and know instantly when there is a new deal or bargain for it.

These guys are also paving the way in a forum webcrawler search called Kolinka. This is an innovative project utilizing unique sorting techniques even google doesn't use. This system will sort using varies topics headings such as NEWEST COMMENT or MOST REPLYS.

Another feature of Kolinka as stated by Tim Patton in class, "When using Google, you get spamy adword type stuff." Kolinka is an interface that will not contain unwanted advertisment exposure.

Even though Kolinka is not the first to try this idea, the competitor- Soundreader is grossly underrepresentative, outdated, and featureless.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mountian Biking Trail Edit 2

The following was edited and added to the Mountain Biking WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE. It also contains a link for furthur information.

The Environmental Impacts of Mountain Biking
Properly built mountain bike trails have little environmental impact. Studies reported in the IMBA (International Mountain Bike Association) Trail Solutions manual show that mountain biking's impact is comparable to or even less than other forms of trail use. Trails deteriorate over time. To what extent do bicyclists cause this, and how does that compare with the impacts of other trail users?
Irresponsible use, such as using a trail when it is too wet, can be damaging whether on foot, bike, or horseback. It is clear that other activities such as horseback riding and ATV or motorcycle use are far more damaging. Improper routing or trail construction techniques may result in a trail that does not hold up well to any kind of use. Riding in rainy conditions can create ruts and holes in the trail, making it less usable.
For more details on this topic, see [
Natural Resource Impacts of Mountain Biking].

Thats all for now folks!

Hand Drum Edit 4

I have finally completed my first set of four edits on the Wikipedia article drum, a musical instrument.

I feel that the WIki community has embraced the changes I have provided and was able to expand on a couple of ideas. For my final edit, I added another external link which I found to be full of usefull information which is under the following ... DRUMMIN' MEN-The Drummer's Resource

I then edited the links so they would all be uniform in appearence.

Next, I moved some information to allow the article to flow better. I finally added some extra ideas on the double role of hand and set drumming.

I guess the other editors on Wiki don't mind my edits, because as far as I can tell, they remain unchanged.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Loocsixela, loocsixela, loocsixela, HOW i LOVE TO SAY YOUR NAME


Well, this is what experts call loocsixela.

Loocsixela can be like that taste on your tounge that you can't discern.
Loocsixela can be that thing you just can't spit out.
Loocsixela, its that euphoric tingle that connects your mind to your body.

And I really dont know where this awful feeling on my tongue comes from every time I think of that damn word....Loocsixela, Loocsixela, Loocsixela,... I hate your meaningless meaning

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Online-Marketers Beware! A story on Contextual Ads Dark Side

I found this on ClickZ Internet Marketing Solutions for Marketers .

The article is titled Contextual Ads: Online Media's Ace in the Hole.

Ever see those advertisements that correspond to whatever you are searching for. Search engines like google and yahoo offer contextual delivery of paid search ads. This ensures that ads relevent to your search are displayed and target the appropriate consumer.

But what happens if your advertisment goes out when there is some sort of horrible disaster?!?

For example say you are advertising for powdered donuts...but it just so happens that president Bush and Dick Cheney are hunting in the woods, Bush is eating your brand of powdered donuts, and Dick Cheney shoots him for some strange reason. Lets call this almost true article Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter.

Now if reporters made a big deal about the donuts, then your ads may show up in relation to the news article...(I know this is a huge stretch--and this may acctually help advertising)

But there's no need to worry...Contextual networks are well aware of the problem and have provisions in place to prevent contextual advertising missteps.

ContextWeb, a contextual advertising network, has a patent pending on its algorithm technology that sorts through an article's negative and positve words.

"On negative articles," Sarkar says, "the quantity of negative words in relation to the other words is higher, and therefore the article will get a lower ranking for a particular category." If an article is about a plane crash, for example, words like "plane crash," "ambulance," and "death," will rank higher than words like "travel," "hotels," and "holiday."

I find all of this extremely facinating. It is crazy to see how numbers control the world

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Yet another Drumipedia edit

For this edit, I decided to change up the descriptive paragraph on the drum and its head. The previous edit made little sense {unless you are seven}. I added a quick link to the Caribbean steel drum wiki and fixed a few grammer mistakes.

I also see that on the past hisory, there are now multiple editors showing up, but I am still trying to figure out if they are re-editing my work, or just the work others are taking out.

The paragraph I changed up now reads as follows...
Drums with cylindrical shells can be open at one end (as in the timbales) or can have two drum heads. Single headed drums normally consist of a skin or other membrane, called a head, which is stretched over an enclosed space or over one of the ends of a hollow vessel. Drums with two heads covering both ends of a tubular shell often have a small hole halfway between the two drumheads; the shell forms a resonating chamber for the resulting sound. Exceptions include the African slit drum, made from a hollowed-out tree trunk, and the Caribbean steel drum, made from a metal barrel. Drums are usually played by the hands or by one or two sticks. In some non-Western cultures drums have a symbolic function and are often used in religious ceremonies. The sound of a drum depends on several variables including shell shape, size, thickness of shell, materials of the shell, type of drumhead, tension of the drumhead, position of the drum, location, and how it is struck. They are sometimes used in sending signals. The talking drums of Africa can imitate the inflections and pitch variations of a spoken language and are used for communicating over great distances.

So that makes three edits on the drum and four edits for the semester and with my work finally caught up, I can now get back to what really matters...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Mountain Biking grammer edit

I decided to fix the mountain biking Wikipedia article for one of my four Wikipedia edits.

You can view some info on mountain biking at the following URL (blog subject to change at my will with no telling why)...

Not a huge change, but it'll get me by for the assignment.

Good night...l am going out to get drunk.

TO pick on you is TO be an admirer of TO blog

Take the survey...

The premise of my commenting on the blog of fellow blog mate Ali Keegen, at Ali's Blog I finally figured out how to turn a word blue and link it to a virtually enhancing and eye tinglingly brain numbing piece of internet information.

This is where You can view her original post about the VALS survey and the comments to get an idea of what teammates are all about. Link each other up. Thats the way to success.

Lets class discuss nnummberr twooooooo....

So its the end of the week, and the beggining of Spring Break, and here I am posting up on Monday's presentation by Dana VanDen Heuvel, who presently serves as the Director of Business Development at Pheedo, Inc.

Dana had a lot of very interesting information concerning blogging, podcasting, and RSS, that struck me as interesting, as it did my fellow classmate Keith Nemzer. The newest technology to me, of these three, happens to be the RSS and podcasting method of distributing thoughts and ideas; not only to an eagerly listening niche market of information addicted everyday people, but to also anyone who may find the information being broadcasted worthy of their attention.

RSS, as Wise Geek, defines is a useful tool for keeping updated on your favorite websites. RSS makes use of an XML code that constantly scans the content of a website for updates and then broadcasts those updates to all subscribers through a feed.

When a new technology comes about, early innovators tend to jump into the idea and really determione how it will blossom. This simple, yet revolutionary idea as shown in "How much has been invested in RSS?", an article on Dana's archives, shows that it is going to be the next wave of information gathering.

This information gathering will not be limited to just what companies are putting out to get your attention, but also can be used to gather new housing opportunities, business opportunites, job openings, and a host of other thoughts that are up and flowing through the "nerd mainstream" as Slashdot puts it. (haha).

This is the way all software disputes should be!

So as I was browsing my latest news feeds on my Bloglines RSS feeder, I came across an interesting story from Slashdot. The story is short, so I'll post it here...........

Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday March 24, @03:35PMfrom the get-in-the-ring dept.

utki writes "The Moscow Times is reporting that the chief software architect at Russian software developer Cognitive Technologies, Andrei Smirnov, recently won a boxing match organized between himself and a software pirate he caught selling bootlegged software CD's at a Moscow market. At last, a practical and entertaining model for dealing with software piracy (MPAA and RIAA take note), and perhaps a useful way to channel Steve Ballmer's aggression too."

Now, I know this is a discussion, but ALL i REALLY want YOU all TO know, Is that in times as volitile as this, long drawn out court processes should no longer be a hold-up for due-process. As an American, I believe that we should have the right to challange someone to a boxing match if they STOLE something that belonged to us. Be it stolen software, TIME, money, LABOR, goods, PROPERTY...let the person who was ripped off be given the decision, if they choose, to solve the problem with a boxing-match. Let the ticket money sales go to the challanger.

Any other thoughts on the matter???

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Zydeco tie

**Blog Topic: Discuss how YOU have been influenced to make a purchase decision because of other customers' experiences that you were able to discover via the internet. **

I really am into any kind of instrument that doesn't take a lot of knowledge to play. That is why I am so fond of hand drums. You feel the beat and play the feeling... and I can do this without knowing any kind of musical theory.

So I am searching the web one day and come across this piture of some dude playing his tie! You can buy it here
A washboard is as simple to play as a drum is to beat on... so, naturally I started to look for this item. I found one at my local music store and because of my internet experience, now am as funny looking as the dude in the picture.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blogline requirement 1

For my first blogline article, I would like to comment on something from
The article's link can be found at

Inventing the Telephone, Independently
Posted by Zonk on Saturday March 11, @01:26AMfrom the i-invented-the-hippo dept.

An anonymous reader writes "There is a nice article about the history of the telephone at Most of us know that Alexander Bell beat Elisha Gray to the patent office by mere hours to claim credit for the invention of the telephone, but did you know that two other inventors can also claim the invention, including Thomas Edison? Similar disputes about independent invention and patent ownership can be found regarding the television, the airplane, and the automobile. Maybe it really is true: the economic benefit of encouraging patents is like that of encouraging window breaking."

I find this extremely interesting in light of what we had discussed in class concerning the issues facing blackberry. Patent trolls with no intention of developing a product for their technology, are pushing patents through the legal system like crack to an addict. It isn't right for the technology producer to be penalized because there is a patent on a future application to a new technological breakthrough.

The system as it is now is a limiting force that restricts free thought and needs to be revamped. This is no longer the past. The way things used to work to keep order and fairness is no longer beneficial to a society with the right to create.

For more info- check out

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Can I do this?

For my next edit, I have decided to dig deeper into the links that are on the drum wiki and develop the connecting information to furthur expand the knowledge on types of drums.

I added a link from the drum cite and expanded on the link that I had created.
You can view this at
I hope that everyone who loves drums loves my changes.

I think I found myself

Hey everyone who might care. When I search for buehlerhead on , My blog and a barrage of other info pops up about me. I hope this is good enough to get some extra credit.

I think I found myself..You can see my results from the link

You can also see that I have an ebay acount where I sell shirts and right now I got this cool space suit for sale... Check it out.

Monday, February 27, 2006

First Wiki edit

I know that I did not do too much in terms of editing the Drums article in Wikipedia, but I checked out all of the external links to verify their existance. I found that one of the links does not exist and deleted it.

If someone really liked that piece of deleted info, I am sure they will put it back on the site, But I will keep deleting it every time I do a new edit to the article. Lets see if I can drum up some Wiki War on the Web.

I was going to work on editing different drum definitions, but they seem to have been edited out already or moved somewhere else?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Strike Two

SO... my second post is not like my first post--reading, the fact that its not 3am, but 3 pm, and it is also a completly different post with a whole other idea in mind.

You will succede in getting something outta this blogging experience; But, you will only succede in not succeding if you dont stop reading the blogs I'm feeeding to the cyberword.

Here is a cool place to visit if you have some time on your hands to discover some material that will take the variable of TIME out of your mind...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

First offense

You dont want to know why Im doing this homework at 3 am do you?