Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Zydeco tie

**Blog Topic: Discuss how YOU have been influenced to make a purchase decision because of other customers' experiences that you were able to discover via the internet. **

I really am into any kind of instrument that doesn't take a lot of knowledge to play. That is why I am so fond of hand drums. You feel the beat and play the feeling... and I can do this without knowing any kind of musical theory.

So I am searching the web one day and come across this piture of some dude playing his tie! You can buy it here http://www.thundertube.com/zydeco.html
A washboard is as simple to play as a drum is to beat on... so, naturally I started to look for this item. I found one at my local music store and because of my internet experience, now am as funny looking as the dude in the picture.

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