Friday, March 24, 2006

Lets class discuss nnummberr twooooooo....

So its the end of the week, and the beggining of Spring Break, and here I am posting up on Monday's presentation by Dana VanDen Heuvel, who presently serves as the Director of Business Development at Pheedo, Inc.

Dana had a lot of very interesting information concerning blogging, podcasting, and RSS, that struck me as interesting, as it did my fellow classmate Keith Nemzer. The newest technology to me, of these three, happens to be the RSS and podcasting method of distributing thoughts and ideas; not only to an eagerly listening niche market of information addicted everyday people, but to also anyone who may find the information being broadcasted worthy of their attention.

RSS, as Wise Geek, defines is a useful tool for keeping updated on your favorite websites. RSS makes use of an XML code that constantly scans the content of a website for updates and then broadcasts those updates to all subscribers through a feed.

When a new technology comes about, early innovators tend to jump into the idea and really determione how it will blossom. This simple, yet revolutionary idea as shown in "How much has been invested in RSS?", an article on Dana's archives, shows that it is going to be the next wave of information gathering.

This information gathering will not be limited to just what companies are putting out to get your attention, but also can be used to gather new housing opportunities, business opportunites, job openings, and a host of other thoughts that are up and flowing through the "nerd mainstream" as Slashdot puts it. (haha).

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