Thursday, May 18, 2006

Class Comment 2

I got the inspiration for my Jam Cruise edit 3 from my good friend who is an under-cover brother from another mother.....Keith Nemzer .

Keith thought about the connection of Festival Express, which took place on a train across Canada., to the connection of Jam Cruise being on a boat at sea. All I had come up with in my previous post was Woodstock. I am an Idiot, but it does not matter, that is what music is all about.

For furthur info on Festival Express, check out the wikipedia entry. But, I also like the link Keith chose, as it shows you the musical mix and line-up.

Check out his input.. Great guy.

He has been that voice inside my head from his spot behind my seat for the last few semester's classes. I felt that sharing music, like sharing inbound, external anchor links, will build a connection.
Yup, our group is an interwoven network of diligent bloggers who all deserve the highest grades available for students of our astute technological skills; with advancement through this mess of RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, and Skyped out of your mind presentations which warped our senses of this world into viewing technological advancements as a necessary, but unstoppable force which is revolutionizing the understanding of conversation as we know it.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I will be graduating in Decemver, so I got one more semester to drudge through. My advice is to go to and buy some tickets for this January's cruise. Have a good summer dude.