Friday, June 30, 2006

Do Not Use Locator's Inc ( to find a rental!!!!

Locator's Inc. is a worthless service used for renting houses, apartments, ranches, etc. This service is a waste of your time. It will only anger you.

Do not waste your time with their expensive waste of money!!! The information Locator's Inc. provides is the same info found in a newspaper!! They also give you a wide range of useless info!

You are also stuck in a contract with them if you can not use their shitty service. I found a house on my own in three weeks and still had to pull up their listings three times a week just to get my refund!!

The information provided is NOT WORTH $200!!


NenaB said...

did they tell u that you HAD to pull it up a certin about of times to get the refund. I found a place on my own after 2 weeks and haven't pulled the stuff up since.

pam said...

we had called about the service they claim to provide and they told us nothing but lies. they made it sound good but it was not what they claimed.they told us they had thousands of listings and would only give us listing we could afford and where we wanted to live it turns out they were all listings in the paper they just copied.they also had false listings in the paper that were supposed to be up for rent well when we paid for the service none of them were actually up for renmt.we were scammed. so please dont pay for this service cause they are only being paid to list the listings in the paper.You will be dissapointed!!!!!!!!This service is not worth being free let alone paying 200.00!

Reese said...

iam currenttly enrolled to the service. im waiting for the time frame to expire so i can collect my refund. i found apt on my own and i really hope that they return my money back wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

evelyn said...

locators is garbage, if u dont find a rental, they will not give u your money back. not helpful at all. save your money n look in the paper same properties listed

jo said...

I found out the hard way that this service is not worth $200.We still haven't found a place to move. I can't get my money back because I missed 1 day of 1 week to pull up the listings.

Anonymous said...

Never, ever use them. They'll lie to you, make you think that they have the exclusive hold on the market to the prime private rentals you really want, and then laugh at you when you want your money back. Been there, done that. Never again.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had saw this page before I had invested my hard earned money. I couldn't believe that when our time of the contract was up they gave us such a hard time about our refund.Like the previous victims have said they don't give you the listing in which you can afford,because our bracket was no more than $600 and they put us in the bracket of $600-$1200.Knowing full well that they were not going to be able to find us anything.They also did they scam of not refunding our money due to the missing of one download in that week.They claim that we should have 10 different dates to verify when we logged on. We were really hoping to raise our children in a better neighborhood,and I knew we would have some problems due to my credit rating after my divorce,but I never thought someone would knowingly have this information ,use it to their advantage,and heartlessly hustle my family and I out of a better future.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed! This is a waste of money, time and is not worth the frustration. I have experienced all of these problems.

Anonymous said...

Someone should report them to the Better Business Bureau. They are scamming, they simply clutter up the newspaper with fake listings, and clearly this is false advertising and a rip off.

Anonymous said...

this is a scam but u dont know the we need to move website until u pay the 200 hundred dollars they dont make a criteria 4 u and today they hung up on my girlfriend too bad we dont live in west chester anymore or id be sitting in the parking lot waiting 4 closing time they can have my $200s for 200 stitches screw them oh by the way theyre right acrossed the street from super wawa on market street in west chester pa.STAY OUT OF DARK ALLEYS SCUMBAGS

Anonymous said...

I am so disgusted with this "company". Did you know that you have to print something each time you log in? I have checked everyday sometimes more than once and can not get my refund because I was supposed to print something, not sure what though. Some days when I logged in there was not one property listed! It is also impossible to speak to a manager. Apparently, the employees go to work everyday completely unsupervised!!! I will be reporting this company to the BBB.

Anonymous said...

omg. just signed up today, have to find a place for me n my girls. i am already getting frustrated with this bs. i am going to put a stop on my card pymnt and report them to bbb. everyone else should too.
rotten s.o.b's

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have saw all of these complaints befor i paid my hard earned money. It is truly i waste of your time and money.I wish we could get togethere and get our money back.

Unknown said... it true that you can't get your money back after 90 days if you can't prove you're still at the same address you were at when u signed up (like if your lease ran out & u had to move out anyway)????

Anonymous said...

Wish I had seen this before I spent my hard earned money. I would have done better to go outside and set fire to $200.00, at least I would have a pile of ashes. As of now, I have a big, fat NOTHING!! The listings provided are dishonest and phoney, and suprise, I'm having an awful time getting to the web site. I'm going to file a complaint with the BBB, probably won't matter, but who knows...

Unknown said...

...isn't it funny that you have to pay upfront to see their listings, yet they can make you wait WEEKS to get your money back???

Anonymous said...

My friend paid the fee tuesday for me to help find an apartment because i have bad credit. They said they specialize in those situations. He gave them the money signed contract they gave him a list and he left. I later looked at list and none of them were what i asked for. He called to complain and asked for a manager or someone in charge and was told no one was there. The guy he spoke with was extremlly rude andd unfriendly and told him he wasn't getting a refund. So my friend went to thier office in west chester where he was confronted by the rude guy,then finally spoke to a manager and was told they would look into his problem and call him tonight or tomorrow and let him know if he could get him money back. We shall see if he calls,but we will get our money. I'm surprised no one has called the better buisness on them yet.

Anonymous said...

I posted the last comment,if anyone is interested in going to channel 6 Action news please email me so we can do it all together and get these thieves. TJRPOOR@AOL.COM Look forward to hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

I just started with this company and i see listings in the paper that I don't see in my list. When I ask them about them they claim they don't know.I would like for everyone to email me at and send me your complaints. I have a friend with prepay legal services who is willing to investigate this situation I have already contact him and I just need your complaints to enforce it. So don't fret there is help on the way.

bonnie boone said...

Please do not sign up for this i lost my job the economy is in such a bad spot and needed a place to move. Thinking this site would benefit me i sacraficed the money and got nothing but dissapointment and they would not refund my money

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad i saw this website. Thanks everyone, it was smart to put it on craigslist. I allready called them awhile back it sounded to good to be true. I was one step away from calling back and I'm glad i found out that it IS to good to be true first. Thanks again!!!! I hope everyone gets their money back and they get what they deserve. Please people dont take this lying down, make them pay!!!!! You did.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad i saw this website. Thanks everyone, it was smart to put it on craigslist. I allready called them awhile back it sounded to good to be true. I was one step away from calling back and I'm glad i found out that it IS to good to be true first. Thanks again!!!! I hope everyone gets their money back and they get what they deserve. Please people dont take this lying down, make them pay!!!!! You did.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad i saw this website. Thanks everyone, it was smart to put it on craigslist. I allready called them awhile back it sounded to good to be true. I was one step away from calling back and I'm glad i found out that it IS to good to be true first. Thanks again!!!! I hope everyone gets their money back and they get what they deserve. Please people dont take this lying down, make them pay!!!!! You did.

Anonymous said...

is there anyone who did not sign the contract and they still took your money?

Anonymous said...

I saw their posting on Craigslist, and called them. As soon as they wanted money up front, I knew something didn't seem right. I told them no thanks and looked up their site on Google. I am so glad i hung on them now.

Anonymous said...

thank you all very much! i have been scammed numerous times and you just saved me one. ALWAYS CHECK ONLINE FIRST! before paying for ANYTHING! i never did and i messed up big time and lost tons of money. ONCE AGAIN THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

To everyone who has had their money stolen by this company. Please get on the phone and call this number 1-800-441-2555. This is the number for the Office of Consumer Protection. If there are as many complaints that I see here, it is possible that they will take legal action against Locators. Please do not keep this to yourself. This company needs to be held accountable for its bad actions. Good Luck and call the number. Do it today.

Leta said...

Thank you for all your comments as I have saved $200! Please contact the Better Business Burea in the Washington Metro Area by going to
Good luck and thank you all for the heads up, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT!!! I was just thinking about giving these douchebags a 169 dollars (i guess they lowered the scsm fee so they could sleep at night) I am so glad a dug a little and found out the truth about the bastards. Wish you all would have done the same so that you would not have wasted your long suckers

Anonymous said...

I love you all.

I just contacted them, because the deal sounded great (400 buck apartment in the newspaper, said Locators underneath). So I called'em up, talked to 'em, got sold...

The email never arrived, that I had to send back to them with my signature on the contract.

The email still hasn't arrived, even though I've added their address as a Contact.

So, while waiting, I googled. Found this and a few others. Also went to the BBB, and found corroboration that there've been a number of formal complaints.

No contract signed, so I'm stopping the payment through my bank right now (and I have to drive a half hour to get to that place . . . ), and no headaches gained.

Thanks for this post.

Anonymous said...

i disagree this is a great service i used it in 2006 and had th best landlord ever using it again if you are having problems you never read the cotract

Rob said...

Wow-I happy person- Glad your landlord was cool-That has NOTHING to do with the COUNTLESS people who followed the rules and still got their $$ TAKEN!!!

This Service is BS. DO NOT USE!

Anonymous said...

God dont like ugly. and they will get whats coming to them.For ALL the people they stole money from you best believe its coming back ten time forth to them.Mark my words!! TIS COMING LOCATOR's

Anonymous said...

agree 100000000 x %.useless info, asked where u needed to be then give u entire county, hours away from where u need to be. USELESS WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. PISSED.

iCantBelieveThis said...

Im so thankful for this site and for everyone being honest. I read on one site that they were not "scammers" but the blog sounded like it was rigged. I wish i could post a link to this site on craigslist to warn fact i think ill do that.
And i am sorry for anyone that has fallen victim because i too am looking for a place to live and people should not be able to scam others.

Anonymous said...

I also was taken for a loop, they did everything that i'm reading and its just a shame that people would do anything for money even if it killed them. I'm calling someone to report this and I hope whomever reads this and all the other comments that you haven't fell victim to this unforgettable act of dishonest and failure to treat others like they want to be treated/just pan cruelty. Never, never, never buy something that should be free, if it looks like, talks like, act like a scam more than likely its a scam!!!! Thanks to all the people who posted comments would of never known until something said look them up and see what their all about, thanks, calling......

Anonymous said...

Wow! Locators is total BS! Got no rental property & got denied my refund. I'm glad I work my ass off for that $200 I paid them.....scumbags, get a real job Shawn &I the rest of the shitbags that are employed there!

Anonymous said...

Locators is a scam to make money.I signed up in less then 24 hours and went on Craigslist and saw the same listings for free yet they told me that they have listings that only can be found with them.This is a service that shouldn't be allowed to operate, they do nothing for you that you can't do for yourself.They should have to tell you how everything works first.What they say to you to get you to sign up is all false.This is a scam so anyone who is thinking about signing up with them DON'T.

Anonymous said...

Not Impressed at all. I explained my situation to the lady. She seemed all sincere! These listings are all already public FREE info if u look them up! Im in Northamton Cty she scammed me., so they are good at it!

Tanya K said...

I'm a signal mother of 7 kids i am also on disability due to a blood disorder i have. I needed to move and still need to move as soon as possible, I did everything i was suppose to do on the site and they still refuse to give me my refund back. I don't have the money to waste or throw away like this. They do nothing but lie and give you WRONG information that you need to obtain a rental. DO NOT USE THEM NOTHING BUT A SCAM

Anonymous said...

Very true! I have been looking non stop for a place to live for my girls and I. I was having a hard time and for almost every rental their number is listed to contact. So I call them up and unfortunately go through them. At first I saw all the listings and thought FINALLY!! well every single place had already been rented at least a week or more prior! I'm really upset because I need a place and every time I think I find one its been rented... also I was told they update their system several times a day so keep checking. Well day 3 and nothing has been added or taken away!!! WASTE OF MONEY!!

Unknown said...

I to found out the hard way Trulia-for Rent is just there to charge your credit card not to help you on find a rental. And then just send you a list. I thought by paying you will get and exceptional service but not at all. i fully regret it. lost my money

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yes I pay for their list to n found a house on my own numbers I call from the list also was disconnect I would like ti get my money back phila pa

vivian said...

what udo we all do to get our money back from locators I have been scan to

Nicole said...

When I signed up with locators a few months ago I was promised a refund if we did not move to any item on the list. I waited a day to do some research and saw they had the BBB symbol on their site so like an idiot I trusted them. My contract expires and we still are at the same address. I called multiple times over the past 2 to 3 months and haven't gotten thru. I left messages and still am waiting for a response. What a waste of $200. Half the items listed were false advertisements and the other half were out of our intended area and budget. I'm sending a message to the BBB about this scam and the way they used the BBB as a cover to get ppl to trust them

Anonymous said...

I just called them because I seen their add on craigslist and I asked them one very informative question. Do I have to continue going on craigslist to see your other properties or do y'all have a website he said yea your website will be called "we need to move now" he told me I would have to pay 184 to enter the website I said ok hung up and went to Google and typed in we need to move reviews and found my answer.. I'm glad I didn't fall for their foolery.. And sorry for everyone else who suffered from it...

tc said...

I been with them since dec. All the listing are still the same since then. I still have not found a place. And when I loook on craigslist moost numbers on there go to locators but none of thise listings are on my listings??? When I called they said they have nothing to do with. Craigslist... How is that possible when every number is different but it goes right to them....

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to a class law suite against this company, they must pay for all the people hard earned money they have stolen and still to this day criminals.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Lynn ext. 300- worst customer service ever!!! She was chewing gum in my ear as I was requesting to cancel due to the erroneous information their company provided (I called PY locations only to be told by the landlord/mgmt team that pets are not accepted). She claimed it was data entry error...1 or 2, sure...6, I don't think so. Additionally I asked to speak with her manager, initially she said that she does not have a manager. Later in the conversation she said her manager would not be able to speak with me until Monday...hmmm...lastly. I paid to receive a convenience, as I am very busy and wanted someone else to do the legwork for me. I received a list of addresses with identifying codes breaking down pet friendly and not (that was my priority). Turns out I was wasting my time as they did no leg work, why would I waste my time calling PY locations? This company is fluent in deceitful sales. I feel bad for those who really cannot lose the money. I intend on getting my money back, but prospective buyers should take heed.

Unknown said...

Such a scam. I wish I saw the comments before I did business with them. 200$ down the drain.

Anonymous said...

I didnt know they wont refund your money. I paid $185 for their services and been using it for about a month now. I have yet to find anything. I pulled up the search every day. I noticed nothing changed for three weeks! So last week I slacked on looking for any updates. I dont like being swindled. I trusted to get a good service for the amount I paid for it. Im a single mother and I work very hard for not much money. $185 is a lot of money for a service that full of shit (excuse my language).

Anonymous said...

I hot the number as I was directed to it from Craigslist. I was told that I would get full info on listings with the service. Gauranteed in 90 days. You do have to go on 3 times a week. I signed up yesterday and as soon as I discovered that they place postings on a desirable living area,when in reality the places are pretty run down,inner city. The info isn't anything you can't get elsewhere. In fact,much time was wasted trying to match what I saw listed by them,to the actual area. I called to say I wanted a refund hours after I wasted time making calls and cross checking properties. I was told the commitment on my part must be fulfilled,and I must be unsuccessful in finding a move through them. I need to now read the contract to determine my responsibility and,I will fulfill it,so if I don't find a place,I will get my $ back.
Basically BIG FAT SCAM

Anonymous said...

I am so happy I did not sign up with these crooks. I am on disability and our landlords foreclosed on the property that we live in and we must move. When I called these scammers they told me the same story they told all of you. I want to be living back in Pennsylvania with my family by Thanksgiving but not going to waste my money with scammers they should all be ashamed of themselves.

Amna altaf said...

I agree its waste of money and time.they took my $185 and didnt give me refund.i found my renting place by myself within one week.dont waste money gor this company.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed! This is a waste of money, time and is not worth the frustration. I have experienced all of these problems.

Anonymous said...

I used locators myself, it's crazy as i read through the responses from everyone on here is the same. They charged me 185 dollarz. Said u have to go on 2x a week if you don't find anything you get your money back guarantee. Except you have to write about it. Crazy they sounded good and they told me i would get listings not found in newspapers... they are full of s××t!!! I am not done with my contract till May this year. I'm still looking for a place all their listingsare either rented or nevertheless real...or property management. Coupleof friends n coworkers told me to try. This place sucks.. i wish i saw this page 1st..
Please anyone looking you are better on your own. I didnt know much about my area..i worked all the time so o thought this Locators wad a help. Definitely wad to easy n to good to be true. They should be sued for all the money and false advertising.

Ron Starkman said...

Hi, I just made a report to the Better Business Bureau. They are a bunch of dirty two faced lying scam. I would NEVER recommend them to anyone

Ron Starkman said...

I already did. Don't worry, I'm sure the appropriate action will be taken

unknown said...

OMG I wished I wished I would have seen this earlier I just wasted 185.00 I did not know

DDD in Maryland said...

They plant bogus postings on Craigslist that are all routed to Locators. That's how they bait you in. It's a rip off, just use Zillow. RUN!!

Unknown said...

im in the same situation did they give you a refund?

Anonymous said...

I know I've been scammed. The 90 day waiting period for a refund hasn't been reached yet, so I don't know if I'll receive a refund, but seriously doubt it now. I should have known something was amiss. When I called a number advertised in a listing I was interested in, the answering party (Sean) called me by name?? He asked if I had used Locators in the past. I told him I had not and he said his information showed I had called in 2011 (it is now 2018). I recalled having called a listing on behalf of my daughter, but apparently I had the good sense then not to follow through which, unfortunately, has left me now. All the numbers I called from Craigslist led to Locators. When I finally was able to get connected to a "representative" after several trys, he explained that they charged a "finders fee" of $185 that would be deducted from my first month's rent if my search was successful and fully refundable if the search proved unsuccessful. He advised I needed to check the listings from their site daily as it was updated constantly. I was looking for an apartment in a certain price range. There were several listed on Craigslist. However, as I said earlier, all the contact numbers led to Locators. When I took all the steps necessary to research THEIR (, after using the filter to focus on only my needs, NONE of the places that were on Craigslist, about which I had called were listed. In fact, all of their listings were several hundred dollars more than what I was searching for. This is definitely a SCAM. I hope you haven't fallen victim to it, as I did.

Dee said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I have been on the site for about a month. I originally went on Craig's list and called a series of numbers which all led back to locaters. I asked the representative why this happened and she told me it was to help the customers so they didn't have to wait on the phone and get discouraged. I have been on almost every day and I have found nothing. I have made calls to different numbers listed next to the properties but have had no return phone calls. When I contacted Locaters they said they are not responsible for landlords that don't return calls. Well I don't plan on taking this lying down!!! I am emailing the man who left his email address on this site, I am contacting the better business bureau and I will get my money back!!! Dee

Unknown said...

Calling the BBB is good. However, they have no regulatory authority. They only gather information & report it, and be an agency for consumer protection advocacy. Be sure to also call your local Consumer Protection Unit within your Attorney General's Office! They hold the Authority to mandate corrective action, as necessary.

Anonymous said...

It was a year ago now, Oct., Nov., Dec. 2017 and I'm still angered when I hear about this site, "". Total SCAM, no matter how closely you follow their directions, you'll never see a refund. So wish I had read the reviews before losing close to $200 to them. Craig's list takes you to this site where a representative convinces you it's the most helpful site for finding a place to live. Horrible, no help at all and no refund.

Unknown said...

I just signed up yesterday and the list was nothing I asked for but yet everything that was already in the newspaper. I also found places on craigslist that wasn't on my list but all different numbers was the locators. I called them and asked about and they also told me they have nothing to do with that.

Unknown said...

Scammers, scammers, scammers, DON'T GIVE THEM ANY MONEY, just throw it out of the window.

Unknown said...

Wow I feel so dumb I'm unrolled with them since last week gave them my 185$ and every number I call goes to voice mail! I wish I knew this before hand it's just I'm in a bad situation right now and want to find a place asap! Smg

danielle said...

i signed up for this in october and now it’s july i and i still have yet to revive my money back !

Anonymous said...

Total rip offs stole
My money promised to give it back, guess what ? I’m
Still outta my 2